Church History
Church History
True Faith Missionary Baptist Church History
The history of True Faith Missionary Baptist Church began on September 1995 when 39 men, women and children came together to form a church under the pastoralship of Rev, E. Mitchell.
Rev Mitchell has already located a site at 24540 Mohr Drive, Hayward, CA.
Rev. Ben Ross served as assistant to the Pastor. Deacons were A.L. Butler and William Floyd. Brother Taylor was a deacon in training. Sister Julia Simpson was placed over the music department. Sister Dorothy Butler was church clerk and secretary. Sister Cassie Wright was elected Financial Secretary and Sister Giles was elected Treasurer and Mission President. The name True Faith Missionary Baptist Church was submitted by Deacon A.L. Butler and selected by the church as it stands today.
In June of 1995 after nine months of leading the church, Pastor and Sister Mitchell relocated to Tracy, CA. Feeling he could not serve and do all that his congregation needed to ne done adequately from Tracy, CA, he age his resignation. Rev, Ben Ross became acting Pastor until Sunday, September 10, 1995 when he was installed as Pastor.
The church relocated to 1105 C Street on February 23, 1997 under the leadership of Pastor Ross at which time Rev. Robert Ross was the assistant to the Pastor. In March 2000 Pastor Benjamin Ross decided to move on to a new church home. During this time, which is know as our wilderness period, we dwindled to eight members. The eight members decided to maintain True Faith and a prayer to God was made for a new Pastor.
In July 2000, Rev. Anthony Braxton accepted God’s Call and was installed on October 29, 2000. Since that time, God has done wonderful things with and through True Faith. Members have come and some have gone, but what we remember is God give the increase. Under the leadership of our Pastor, God has brought us a mighty, yes, a mighty long way! God has allowed us to have a fine ministerial staff that includes Rev. William Scales who is the assistant to the Pastor. Also Rev Ronald Williams, and Minister John Thompson has been added by God to our ministerial staff. God is simply GOOD. True Faith is being blessed by God. We have now the following:
1.Executive Board that cares about God’s Stewardship.
2.Evangelism Ministry & Clothing Ministry
3.Strong Sunday School
4.Men Ministry
5.Women Ministry
6.Youth Department
7.Adult, Youth and Mass Choirs
8.Vacation Bible School
9.Daughters of Courage
We left 1105 C Street on the 4th Sunday of September2005 and had Worship Service at 9330 Holly Street with Bethlehem Institutional Baptist Church and on the first Sunday in October of 2005, we lined up and caravanned from Hayward, CA to our new home, 9330 Holly Street, Oakland. Yes, God brought us from a 20 FT by 20 FT room at 1105 C Street in Hayward to this place, where God had granted us with much room. On that day, we were blessed with seven new members. God has allowed us to remodel the Sanctuary from top to bottom.
We continue to grow under the leadership of our Pastor, with his teaching and Bible Study on Tuesday evenings.
We owe a lot to a lot of people and we are appreciative to them. To First Baptist Church of Russell City for allowing us to worship and use their building and facilities, but also to IDES Hall that allowed us to stay for almost 8 years and run our ministries. We want to thank them for bringing the community into our doors by including us in their homeless outreach program,
We have over the years, lost some loved ones, but the Lord had held us up in service. Most of all, we wanted to thank every member, family member, friend, neighbor, and co-worker that has stood by our side to help achieve just the beginning of the plan that God had laid down before us. So, thank you again for being apart of our history, our present and our future to come.